
Rudy Giuliani Slapped with Largest-Ever Defamation Verdict: $148 Million for Smearing Election Workers

Workers: A federal jury in Washington D.C. on Friday ordered former President Donald Trump’s close associate Rudy Giuliani to pay a staggering $148 million in damages to two Georgia election Workers he had defamed with baseless accusations of voter fraud. The historic verdict marks the largest defamation award ever granted in the United States, sending a powerful message about the consequences of spreading false information and the devastating impact it can have on individuals’ lives.

The case centered around Ruby Freeman and her daughter Wandrea “Shaye” Moss, who worked as election Workers in Fulton County, Georgia, during the 2020 presidential election. In the aftermath of Trump’s defeat, Giuliani, acting as the then-president’s personal attorney, became one of the most vocal proponents of the “Stop the Steal” movement, repeatedly making false claims about widespread voter fraud and irregularities.


In November 2020, Giuliani shared a viral video on social media falsely depicting Freeman and Moss as engaging in illegal ballot stuffing. The video, devoid of any factual basis, quickly spread like wildfire, inciting a torrent of online harassment and threats against the two women. They faced racist and sexist abuse, death threats, and even physical intimidation at their homes, forcing them to relocate and live in fear for their safety.

$148 Million for Smearing Election Workers

Freeman and Moss, unable to bear the burden of Giuliani’s malicious lies, filed a defamation lawsuit against him in December 2020. The lawsuit accused Giuliani of intentionally fabricating and disseminating false information about them, causing them immense emotional distress and reputational Workers damage.

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After a three-week trial, the jury found Giuliani liable for defamation on all counts. In their verdict, they awarded Freeman and Moss a total of $148 million in damages, further divided into:

  • $75 million in punitive damages: This hefty sum aims to punish Giuliani for his blatant disregard for the truth and the malicious intent behind his actions.
  • $37.1 million in compensatory damages: This portion of the award compensates Freeman and Moss for the emotional distress, reputational harm, and lost wages they suffered as a result of Giuliani’s defamation.

The $148 million verdict sets a significant precedent in U.S. defamation law, highlighting the potential consequences for public figures who recklessly spread false information with malicious intent. It sends a clear message that the courts will not tolerate the weaponization of lies to inflict harm on individuals, especially when those lies have the potential to incite violence and hatred.

For Freeman and Moss, the verdict represents a crucial step towards reclaiming their lives and dignity. “Today is a good day,” said Freeman in a statement after the verdict. “If we talk about his decision then it had a message for all those people in the crops which are considered very harmful that many people are lying flat, you can give an answer to these and hoisted them.”

Giuliani, predictably, has vowed to appeal the verdict. However, legal experts remain skeptical of his chances of success, given the overwhelming evidence against him and the clear jury instructions on the elements of defamation.

The Giuliani verdict holds broader implications for the current political climate in the United States, where Workers the spread of misinformation and disinformation has become increasingly rampant. It serves as a reminder of the importance of critical thinking and fact-checking in an age of social media echo chambers and partisan news outlets. More importantly, it underscores the need to hold individuals accountable for the harm they inflict when they weaponize lies for personal gain or political agenda.

While the $148 million award may not fully erase the pain and suffering inflicted on Freeman and Moss, it undoubtedly delivers a powerful message: In the face of malicious lies, truth and justice have prevailed.

Additional details you might find interesting:

  • The trial featured emotional testimonies from Freeman and Moss, detailing the devastating impact of Giuliani’s accusations on their lives.
  • Giuliani, during his own testimony, repeatedly denied wrongdoing and defended his actions as being based on “evidence.” However, the jury ultimately found his defense unconvincing.
  • The verdict has been hailed by Democratic lawmakers and media outlets as a victory for truth and accountability. However, Republican pundits have criticized it as an attack on free speech.

If we talk about the Workers who will have to pay a sum of 148 million dollars to the workers in the elections in Georgia, then on Friday, a close aide of Donald Trump will have to pay the amount of 148 million dollars, but friends, some such news is also coming that He is getting a lot of hits due to the biggest ever charge given in the United States of America for spreading such false information and a big reason for this head is about his cleanliness that in a big position at a big low It is not befitting of any Karmaveer to do this, that is why he is getting this kind of hate and people are also praising him that even after all this interest, there is no significant change in him. Like every time, you will be trolled like this. Friends, their news has been made available on social media and will remain active.

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